The Cadman Conservancy hosts a variety of events for all ages. From celebrations of historical achievements to movie nights to gardening gathers, the park has something for everyone. Have a community event in Cadman Plaza Park that you want to promote?
Email us
Want to support your community park?
No pets, strollers or chairs on turf!
Thank you to the Parks Department for the expedient installation of our new athletic field in time for our community to enjoy a full fall season. Everyone is thrilled to be playing on the new and improved field. To ensure the turf’s endurance we ask that no pets, no strollers and no chairs are allowed the athletic field at anytime. We greatly appreciate your consideration.
Thank you and Welcome!
Our beloved Gardener II/ Horticulturist Anil Chandrakumar has received a very well deserved promotion as Brooklyn’s Horticulturist Supervisor!! We are deeply grateful for the wonderful time we’ve had working with Anil. We appreciate everything he brought to the community and the park enriching both immensely. We’re very happy for Anil and relieved that we’ll still be working together although in a different capacity. Our efforts to nurture nature will keep Anil connected to our community for sure!
Welcome Jessica Kulig! Congratulations on your new appointment as Gardener in Cadman Plaza Park and beyond. The Conservancy welcomes you with open arms and we’re looking forward to a productive fall together. Earlier this month, Jessica joined Anil and the Conservancy hosting Poly Prep’s Junior class’s first day of school, planting 500 native plants in our pollinator garden.
Weekly Gardening Group is back!
Good morning all!
We’ll restart the regular Wednesday sessions tomorrow 9/27.Let’s meet at 9:30am at the Juneteenth Garden.
Looking forward to working with you!
Jessica Kulig
DSNY Compost Giveback!
Please sign up for DSNY’s Compost Giveback!
Join the Cadman Park Conservancy and The Service Collective volunteers on October 1st! Pick up compost for your own garden or back yard. Or sign up and spread some love (and compost) in Cadman! Pick up for compost is on Tillary at the Juneteenth Grove entrance.
You may pick up compost October 1st
from 10am - 2pm.
The Conservancy and the Service Collective volunteers will be spreading compost from 10am - 12pm
Community Service Award!
Congratulations to our Cadman Park Conservancy President, Doreen Gallo, for being honored with a 2023 IND Community Service Award!
New Athletic Field!
The new synthetic field is open to the public! We are thrilled the field was completed ahead of schedule! THANK YOU to everyone who helped advocate for the turf replacement. Thank you to Commissioner Martin Mahar for your advocacy and to Councilmember Lincoln Restler for funding this well used community resource in Cadman Plaza Park. Now that we have a new beautiful athletic field, we will do our best to preserve and protect it. There is a zero tolerance for dogs being on the athletic field at any time. This is not a dog run. The Parks Department is well under the 1% of the City’s budget needed to properly staff and maintain the parks. Please abide by the park rules for everyone’s enjoyment. No pets on turf. No strollers, chairs etc. Thank you for your consideration and cooperation!
Gardening Sessions Break
Gardening Session: Upcoming Wednesday September 13th and 20th 2023 are cancelled.
For the next two weeks Anil will be on vacation.
Pollinator of the Week: Vernonia gigantea or Giant Ironweed,
a 6-8 foot tall, tough perennial with large lance-shaped leaves with panicles of rich purple blooms appearing in mid to late summer. Giant Ironweed prefers full to part sun in moist to wet soils. Ironweeds readily self-sow and provide nectar to butterflies. The perennial is often used in screenings, large borders and naturalizing in meadows.
Poly Prep High School Juniors in Cadman Plaza Park!
Happy first day of school to Poly Prep High School Juniors in Cadman Plaza Park!
The 140 student volunteers joined the Cadman Park Conservancy and NYC Parks Gardeners, Anil Chandrakumar and Jessica Kulig for a community service day in Cadman Plaza Park as their first day of school. The students planted 500 native plants in our pollinator garden starting on the most northwest end of the park. The native plants the students planted were Black-eyed Susans, BeeBalm, Mountain Mint, Echinacea, Butterfly Bushes and Rose Mallow. We are extremely grateful for the tremendous contribution the student volunteers made by planting native plants in the progression of our pollinator garden. Although we had an unanticipated heat wave, the students maintained their vibrancy, active, unfazed and happy to be together. It was a joy for us to participate. Special thanks to all of the student volunteers, Poly Prep teachers, staff and parent volunteers for helping to make this planting event a success! A very special thanks to The Service Collective’s Amanda Jones for connecting Poly Prep with the Cadman Park Conservancy for this day of community service.
Please join the Conservancy for Brooklyn Public Library’s Storytime in Cadman Plaza Park on Wednesday, September 6th at 10:30am.
Cadman Park Storytime | Brooklyn Public Library (
Meet on the lawn adjacent to Juneteenth Grove.
BPL’s Storytime will take place on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays in September and October.
Weekly Gardening Group
Wednesday September 6th, 9:30am
Meet at the Juneteenth gardens. Fall is almost upon us. I’ve always suggested the cooler temp season as the best time for planting.