The Conservancy, a volunteer run 501c3 nonprofit organization, strives to maximize park usage, provide availability to all the neighboring communities, ensure regular maintenance and continue the beautification, cleanliness, and safety of the park. The Conservancy has a unique honor and mission to preserve the park’s historical integrity through special programs and events.
A, C Train to High Street station
For opportunities to Volunteer
at Cadman Plaza Park
For rules and regulations regarding
dogs in Cadman Plaza Park
Gatherings of 20+ people or commercial photography and filming require a permit. Please click here to learn more about Cadman Plaza Park Permits.

Board of directors:
Doreen Gallo
Vice President
Robert London
Cheryl Moch
Irene E. Janner
Board Members:
Kaesun Alexis-John
Cathleen Becker
Rick Brown
Agnes N. Djaha
Laura Winner
Thomas Winner
Myriam Victoria
Serhiy Mshanetskiy